3rd Joint EU CP Conference Recordings
15 - 16 November 2022

Green, Digital, Inclusive and Fair: How can Cohesion Policy Rise to the New Territorial Challenges?
Third Joint EU Cohesion Policy Conference
14 – 16 November 2022
The Third Joint EU Cohesion Policy Conference – organised by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy and RSA Europe together with the Croatian authorities – aimed to take stock of the challenges and opportunities for Cohesion Policy. The timing of the Conference allows a critical assessment of research evidence and policy thinking on how cities and regions could best implement and reactively adapt their strategic funding priorities for the 2021-2027 programming period, in order to address development needs and opportunities effectively with the support of the Funds and in synergy with other EU instruments. You can find more details about the conference here.
You can watch the Conference recordings and view the presentations here. You will also find the photos from the conference here.