SMARTER 2020 Conference Webinar series
Smart Specialisation and Territorial Development: Connecting Grand Societal Challenges with Local Goals in Place-based Innovation Policy

The Territorial Development Unit of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre and RSA Europe are delighted to present a webinar series based on selected themes of the SMARTER 2020 Conference. In line with the measures to contain the diffusion of COVID-19, the physical event will be replaced by a series of six webinars held between 17 September and 3 December 2020.
The SMARTER 2020 Webinar series will provide a comprehensive picture of the Smart Specialisation policy experience, including an evaluation of its results and an account of its recent developments both conceptually and empirically.
The webinars will also offer an opportunity to discuss and compare different territorial development approaches, exploring how they engage with the European Commission’s priorities for 2019-2024 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
To find out more information about the series please click here.