2023 RSA Europe Summer College for PhD and Early Career Researchers

Last week saw the 2023 Summer College on THE ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY OF SPATIAL DISPARITIES held in partnership with and at the Gran Sasso Science Institute in L’Aquila, Italy.
22 PhD and early career researchers from a variety of countries took part in the programme that featured thematic sessions on spatial disparities and development, a number of professional development sessions and a site visit to a small village called Fontecchio (as seen in the photo). The village had been affected by the major earthquake in 2009 and we learned about development and initiatives that helped the village to recover, grow and become a stronger community.
The college was very stimulating and enjoyable, and we thank GSSI and L’Aquila for the warm welcome and being brilliant hosts. Photos of the Summer College are available at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1186543232742344&type=3