2019 RSA Europe Socio-Spatial Dynamics Summer College
Taking place in Sardinia, Italy

2019 RSA Europe Socio-Spatial Dynamics Summer College Skills, Mobility and Entrepreneurship has been announced for the coming September.
The co-evolution of skills, mobility and entrepreneurship, and the rapid pace of how these transitions occur in the contemporary knowledge-based economy provides a fertile environment for inter-disciplinary discourse and scientific inquiry. RSA Europe’s Socio-Spatial Dynamics Summer College 2019 aims to coach students and early career researchers to collaborate and work across disciplines in order to tackle these and related, societal challenges. Applications are welcome from PhD candidates and post-docs who have been awarded a PhD in the past 5 years, from a variety of disciplines and institutional backgrounds.
Find out details about applying here: https://www.regionalstudies.org/events/2019-rsa-europes-socio-spatial-dynamics-summer-college/